Research Seminars and Training

Mongan Annual Lectureships
Annual Grand Rounds
Open to all.
Haddad Lecture
Each year, the Mongan Institute supports two special Grand Round Honorary Lectures: the Blumenthal Lecture and the Haddad Lecture. The Haddad Lecture was established in honor of Ernest M. Haddad, who served for 21 years as general counsel at the MGH and Partners HealthCare, and the annual lecture features speakers who are experts on topics related to ethics, health policy, the health care environment, and health care delivery. In May 2023, the lectured was presented by Lisa Iezzoni, MD, MSc, Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; and in May 2024, the lectured was presented by David Williams, PhD, MPH, Norman Professor of Public Health and Chair, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health.
Annual Grand Rounds
Open to all.
Blumenthal Lecture
The Blumenthal Lecture is named for David Blumenthal, MD, MPP, the founder of the 1999 Mongan Institute for Health Policy, and highlights leaders in health policy. In December 2022, the lecture was presented by Dr. David Blumenthal in recognition of his tenure as the President of the Commonwealth Fund and his contributions to the field of health policy; and in January 2024, the lecture was presented by Martin Shapiro, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College.
Research Education and Training
Tuesdays, 12-1pm
Open to Mongan faculty, fellows, and staff.
Mongan Research and Education Hour
The Mongan Research and Education Hour, redesigned in September 2023, is a weekly meeting consisting of a rotation of seminars beneficial to community, connection, and collaboration across the Mongan Institute and our affiliates. The rotating seminars include Center Updates and Methods Seminar, Invited Guest Speakers, and Junior Faculty Lunch.
The Center Updates and Methods Seminar series is an opportunity to learn about the work of each of our Centers, including a brief overview of projects and members, along with a presentation on an applied research method. This series facilitates learning about the exciting and outstanding work by Mongan Institute colleagues and provides an opportunity to consider possible collaborative team science opportunities. New in 2024, we are including presentations by leaders of centers in population and health care delivery science at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, with the goal of learning about potential new collaborative opportunities that will be facilitated by the integration of departments spanning MGH and BWH. Our Invited Speakers Series over 2024 has highlighted leaders from MGH and MGB. Examples of Invited Guest Speakers include Jose Florez, MD, PhD on “View from the Chair on the future of Population and Delivery Science in the future integrated DOM and MGB” and Martha Jones, MA and Benjamin Silverman, MD on “MGB IRB Leadership Update and Discussion.”
In addition to these formal presentations, a Junior Faculty Lunch series provides an open forum for Mongan Institute Junior Faculty to have lunch with each other and Dr. Bartels. These monthly meetings alternate between requested didactic topics and informal discussions. Previous didactic topics include “The K to R Transition” and “Managing a Grant Budget.” This series aligns with the Mongan Institute’s dedication to supporting early-stage investigators as they begin their research careers.
3x annually
Open to Mongan K and R applicants.
Mock K and R Review Program
This internal review program at the Mongan Institute was established in 2010 and led by Kenneth Freedberg, MD, MSc (left), to provide comprehensive critical reviews of grant proposals and detailed verbal and written feedback to early-stage investigators before submitting NIH Research Career Development Awards (K awards). In conjunction with strong mentoring by our faculty, this program has been associated with an eventual success rate of over 95% of K awards applications by our junior faculty.
Beginning in 2024, this internal review program was expanded to address the next step in early research career development that consists of submitting a first research project grant (R01) application and is led by Vicki Fung, PhD (middle) and Mark Siedner, MD, MPH (right). All applicants who participate in these review programs submit a draft proposal 6 weeks prior to their submission date and are reviewed by a minimum of four reviewers including a content expert and a biostatistician. Early-stage investigators also attend with their mentor to receive the full benefit of a comprehensive review to inform a full revision before formal submission to NIH. This program also provides an excellent opportunity for early career faculty to learn how to critically review grant proposals and skills to become future mentors.
First Tuesday of each month, 4-5pm
Open to MGH and Mongan-affiliate researchers.
Applying Implementation Research Methods Seminar (AIRMS)
This monthly seminar hosted by the Mongan Institute, led by Stephen Bartels, MD, MS and Rachel Vanderkruik, PhD (pictured to the right), is for MGH and Monganaffiliate researchers pursuing and/or conducting Implementation Research. Applying Implementation Research Methods Seminar (AIRMs) provides an opportunity for implementation researchers to learn from each other the application of implementation research methods to specific projects and to support each other in pursuing grants and funding for implementation research proposals.