Our Goals & Approach
Improving the Lives of People with Complex Needs
People with complex needs are individuals who have serious health conditions, multiple chronic health conditions, or who experience health challenges due to a variety of social, psychological, or economic factors associated with social determinants of health. People with complex needs frequently incur the highest costs in health care or often fail to receive appropriate care due to multiple conditions and/or needs. The Mongan Institute is committed to research that informs and implements effective and efficient models of health care that improve the health of the population, including special attention to addressing the needs of people with complex needs.
Population Health Science
Population health science is the investigation of factors that influence the health status of population groups or whole populations, including research on policies, behaviors, social determinants, and interventions aimed at improving the health of populations. The Mongan Institute is committed to improving the health of the population through team science spanning a diverse array of disciplines such as epidemiology, health policy research, survey research, health promotion, prevention, and population health management.
Health Care Delivery Science
Health care delivery science includes research aimed at determining, designing, and implementing the most effective and efficient approaches to delivering, sustaining, and financing health care to improve health outcomes and patient experience. The Mongan Institute is committed to improving health care by developing and testing the spread of new approaches to financing and delivering care, including disciplines such as intervention research, health decision science, data science, cost-effectiveness research, and implementation science.
Implementation Science
Implementation science is the scientific study of methods to promote the systematic uptake and use of research findings and evidence-based practices in routine practice to improve health care quality, effectiveness, access, and affordability.
Team Science
Addressing the most complex challenges in health and health care requires a team approach. Team science is the collaborative effort to address a difficult scientific challenge by leveraging the strengths and expertise of professionals from different fields with diverse skills and knowledge, often in partnership with patients and communities. Researchers at The Mongan Institute work together in multidisciplinary teams to solve the most challenging problems in health care today.