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 Welcome to the
Mongan Institute 

Improving lives through population & health care delivery team science

Why is our work in population & health care delivery science important?

"Patients and health system leaders often find academic research too incremental, impractical, and siloed to be helpful. We are working to change that."

"We are able to leverage our unique set of resources to build a robust and diverse pipeline of research scientists and projects that improve health and health care."

​"By collaborating with communities, developing interventions, and investing in research careers, we are working to improve health care services and health equity for diverse populations."

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Stephen Bartels, MD, MS


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Vicki Fung, PhD


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Margarita Alegría, PhD


This Health Equity Research Report features an extensive collection of research and narratives aimed at addressing health disparities. Click the report to learn more.

Accelerate your research career at the Mongan Institute! Get the skills and knowledge to help you improve health care quality, access, value, and equity.

Learn more here

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For an overview of 2021-2022 accomplishments, honors, and initiatives by our extraordinary research faculty, trainees, and staff, click the report.

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